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Saturday, February 03, 2007

U.N. Report on Global Warming a Tyrannical Sham

Raleigh, NC (TLS). As expected, the release of the U.N.'s report on climate change today was a major boost to the environmentalist propaganda mill, which is determined to lay the blame for global warming entirely at the feet of mankind, whether the hard science proves it or not. The U.N.'s much-anticipated release of its Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change report delivers a scathing analysis of western civilization, particularly the capitalism, industrial expansion, and private entrepreneurship of the United States.

None of this is surprising given the heavily politicized process of compiling the report and the overt leftist mindset of those within the 'environmentalist movement,' which is no scientific movement at all but a purely political one.

Hard science, which relies on clearly observable facts, holds very little evidence in support of the environmentalist theory that the activity of mankind is the major cause of global warming. Yet the United Nations report is simply more of the same old propaganda one has come to expect from the corrupt organization that is known more for its anti-Americanism than for its objectivity and impartiality.

In spite of all that supporters of the theory of man-induced global warming say, the scientific community is far from being in agreement on the subject, except for what the leftists have been able to browbeat out of scientists who may succumb to the power of the environmentalist propaganda machine. Dissenters are many, but those with the power mute their voices. Their view of 'science' is that you shame skeptics into submission so you can then claim you have a 'consensus.'

As you will see in this special report below, there are yet many varied and highly respected scientists the world over who thoroughly disagree with the common party line that man caused global warming. However, these stalwart adherents of hard science are not the ones wielding most of the power. The ones in power have a political agenda, and it is to dismantle American capitalism, individual liberty, and free enterprise.

Ralph Nader himself, one of the fathers of the modern environmentalist movement, was quoted this week admitting to the movement's objectives, stating that nothing less than the total dismantling of capitalism, modern industrialism, and free enterprise will allow the objectives of the environmentalist movement to be reached.

At least Nader is being honest, which is something that cannot be said for scientists within the movement who propagate theoretical dogma rather than observable facts. Within this realm of the dogma-driven, hypothesis is passed off as fact, and conjecture must be strictly adhered to, not because of any factual evidence but because of the covert scheme to use their theory to bring about a change in American society that will portray their vision of the socialist 'brave new world.' Within this realm, the ultimate objective is to rid society of any vestige of capitalism and human freedom. The 'science' must be tweaked to fit that basic goal. If the hard science does not support the theory, then the science must be changed to be in line with the ultimate political objective. Thus, those scientists who resist this sham and who insist on sticking to the facts are castigated, vilified, and ostracized.

It is no surprise that Democrats in Washington seized on the U.N. report like flies aiming for the biggest dung heap in the meadow. Henry Waxman in particular, propagandist extraordinaire, is doing cartwheels over the report and plans to make a strong case for Congress passing into law stringent measures that will severely limit personal freedom and the business of free enterprise.

Most of us who value facts and not mere hypothesis and conjecture see this report for the horrid fiction that it is. It should be dismissed in its totality and tossed onto the ash-heap of human tyranny.

Click here for the full story:
  • Climate Propaganda

    Anonymous said...

    Peeeeyooou. Your bi-focals need cleaning. Global warming is all too real. Even the Bush administration is driven to admit it. Their objection at the moment is "what is the cost?" to which the answer is "the cost of doing something, or the cost of not doing something?"

    The other issue is nuclear power. Those on the Republican realist side are aiming for nuke plants.

    Let's hope you get your head out of...

    Welshman said...

    The issue is not climate change but the cause of it. I simply do not believe the fictionalized version that mankind is the cause of it. Too much hard science makes that theory highly questionable.