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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

LIBERTY ALERT!! Government Admits It Lied to Convict Border Patrol Agents!

Washington, DC (TLS). This is an urgent Liberty Alert. The Department of Homeland Security has admitted to the Border Patrol Hoax! The Feds concocted a scheme to send two innocent men to prison!

The Federal Government admitted before a Congressional panel on Tuesday that it lied in order to convict the two Border Patrol Agents who shot at two illegal aliens attempting to cross the border with illicit drugs. This shocking bombshell was dropped as Department of Homeland Security Inspector-General Richard L. Skinner was being grilled by Congressman John Culbertson, R-Texas.

Skinner had informed a Congressional subcommittee in September of 2006 that the Department had sufficient evidence that proved the guilt of the two agents in question, that they admitted the two illegal aliens posed no threat to them at all, and that they had decided earlier that day that they were 'going to shoot some Mexicans.'

NONE of this is true, as Skinner admitted today.

The shocking admission brought an angry outburst from Congressman Culbertson, who thundered, 'You lied to me and you lied to all of us. Your office tried to paint a picture of Ramos and Compean as dirty cops, and now you come before this committee and tell us you never had the information to back up those claims.'

This chilling admission poses a dire omen for the U.S. Department of Justice. As despicable as were the actions of the U.S. Attorney in charging the two men falsely, in essence fabricating evidence against them, the truth is that the corruption in this case extends all the way to Washington, DC in the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice.

As The Liberty Sphere has warned repeatedly in the aftermath of the Durham Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax, and now the Border Patrol Hoax, if these actions on the part of prosecutors in the highest levels of state and federal governments are any indication of the state of affairs of our criminal justice system, then NO ONE IN AMERICA CAN BE ASSURED A FAIR AND HONEST TRIAL.

My friends, this taints the entire system from top to bottom.

Once again, MR. PRESIDENT--SET THOSE INNOCENT BORDER PATROL AGENTS FREE! They have been falsely prosecuted and imprisoned by corrupt government officials. Do the right thing to help restore integrity to our government.

And once again to the North Carolina judicial system--DROP THE CHARGES AGAINST THOSE THREE INNOCENT DUKE STUDENTS WHO WERE FALSELY ACCUSED! They were falsely charged and prosecuted by a rogue D.A. to win an election, and the entire N.C. System of Justice, including the state Democrat Party, were willing accomplices.

It is high-time for a day of reckoning for the U.S. Attorney in El Paso, the Department of Homeland Security, the North Carolina Justice System, and the U.S. Department of Justice. Granted, we cannot control the actions of everyone under our authority, but we sure can condemn them and prosecute them when they so blatantly pervert the system.

These cases demand immediate action so that citizens do not entirely lose respect for the criminal justice system in particular, and government in general. The longer action is delayed in setting the innocent free, the more we the citizens lose trust and faith in our system of government. And someone, somewhere is going to pay a heavy price in order to restore honesty, integrity, and the rule of law in America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the penalty for Contempt of Congress?