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Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Britney Spears Free-Fall

Washington, DC (TLS). Normally The Liberty Sphere refrains from opining about entertainers except when it concerns someone we like or someone who's extra-curricular activity links them to politics. However, when it comes to Britney Spears, the situation begs a bit of commentary.

At the very outset do not expect us to denigrate Britney Spears. She is, at present, a tragic figure. And here's why.

The pop entertainer is in a free-fall that could mean not only the end of her career but the end of her life. This sad state of affairs had its beginning some time ago as Britney increasingly came under the influence of the Hollywood elite and its amoral view of life and the world. What has happened since is a steady descent, a gradual slip into the world of substance abuse, gratuitous sex, and dubious personal liaisons. That steady, gradual descent has become a free-fall of late.

The pop singer began as a clean-cut girl from a small Louisiana town. She was raised in church and at first made no attempt to hide the fact that she was a Christian. But, as so many otherwise good kids discover once they hit the big-time, the pressure of the Hollywood/entertainment complex to conform is nearly impossible to resist if one has designs on stardom. In order to rise to the top, one must make a deal with the devil. And once that deal is made, good girls like Britney find themselves in a whirlwind of all-night clubbing, indiscriminate sex, alcohol and drug consumption to the point of passing out--the power of which totally consumes one who never engaged in these practices until bitten by the stardom bug.

Thus, we then observed Britney getting married in Las Vegas to an old friend when the two hit town to party. Obviously when Britney woke from her stupor the next day and realized what she had done, it was off to get the marriage annulled.

It has been nothing but downhill from there.

Her real marriage--the one that produced two children--has now ended. She has been at least suspected for child neglect due to the fact that her mothering responsibilities have seemingly taken a back seat to her penchant to party. With Paris Hilton as her new 'partner in crime' the two have taken the clubbing scene by storm, resulting in Britney being photographed exposing herself in public. Spears has also been photographed on numerous occasions when she appears disheveled, dazed, and out of sorts. Her appearance has definitely taken a hit.

The situation has grown so critical that a longtime friend and associate sent emails to Britney's family begging for advice as to what to do to help the ailing pop sensation. And it is clear she is ailing. From all accounts, she has been infected by the disease of addiction and is in sore need of intervention. These emails were made public today by various news outlets around the country.

The Liberty Sphere hopes that those close to Britney who truly care for her well-being will find a way to get help for the falling star. She is way too talented, beautiful, and smart to simply go down the tubes. And, it is our view that somewhere deep inside her there is still that good girl from Louisiana who once had values that could be admired.

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