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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Is Bush Administration Complicit in 'North American Union' Scheme?

Just prior to the 2004 Presidential campaign a bombshell of an accusation was leveled against the Bush Administration and other politicos, including Democrats, that the U.S. Government was devising secret plans to form a so-called 'North American Union' that would include Mexico and Canada. At the time such charges were dismissed as the babbling of hopeless conspiracy theorists.

Unfortunately, we can no longer dismiss these allegations.

A growing body of evidence is being amassed that shows beyond any doubt that such a plan is being discussed at the highest levels of government, including the infamous U.S. 'shadow government,' i.e., the Council on Foreign Relations. Not only are there documents that prove some of our nation's leaders are working on such a union, but sources at the top levels of government state that the Canadian and Mexican leadership have already been consulted about such a plan.

Under the guise of 'securing the North American Continent from terrorism,' these co-conspirators within all three governments are quietly going about the work of creating this union without the approval of citizens.

According to records obtained by, these plans include a common currency that would be called 'the Amero,' obviously to compete with the European 'Euro,' and borders separating the three nations of North America would be erased, resulting in a shared government and shared security force. Widespread speculation has ensued that suggests that the proposed 'super-highway' that would run from Mexico through Texas and the heart of the continent is a key component of the scheme to unify. Immigration from Mexico, of course, would be a non-issue since there would be no border. Illegal aliens would cease to be immigrants. They would be citizens of the North American Union just like everyone in the U.S. and Canada.

Americans clearly reject the present policies of ignoring the nation's laws on illegal immigration. Regardless of what politicians say about the recent mid-term elections, that election was as much a referendum on illegal immigration as the Iraq War. Americans believe that the Republicans have betrayed their trust on the issue, since it was Republicans who led the nation to believe that they wished to do something about the problem. As it turned out, they were just as bad as the Democrats on this issue.

The ugly truth is that both Democrats and Republicans engage in a conspiracy of collective inertia when it comes to illegal immigration. The reason, which was once clouded in a fog of secrecy, is now coming out into the light of day. There are powerful members of both Parties who wish to dissolve our borders and unite with Mexico and Canada.

Preposterous, you say? Think again. Connect the dots.

The Bush Administration has recently suggested that Social Security be made available to illegal aliens. In spite of the much touted 'border fence,' the Bush Administration has done precious little to enforce U.S. law on illegal aliens. The border fence is a joke, a political ploy to appease those citizens who are demanding that their government enforce its laws against illegals.

Add to this a little-known concept that President Bush embraces but seldom discusses openly--the notion of a nation without borders. According to the President's thinking, America is a concept, not a place on a map.

While such an idea has some merit, when it is placed within the context of a North American Union that would essentially negate the U.S. Constitution, the notion takes on an ominous connotation.

Consider further evidence. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has recently proposed sweeping changes in public policy in the state, including universal healthcare for illegal aliens. This would be just one more step toward solidifying the notion of a North American Union where illegal aliens would be given the same freebies as legal American citizens.

And by the way, Democrats have always loved this concept, so this cannot be blamed solely on Republicans.

In a North American Union, the principles for which our founding fathers bled and died would go up in smoke. The Constitution would be subservient to the common laws of the Union. All of this would be done, of course, without the approval of the citizens. And even if, at the eleventh hour, such a proposal were to be placed before the electorate for an up or down vote, no authorization has been granted to our nation's leaders to even consider such a union, much less engage in talks with Canada and Mexico about it.

Lest anyone get the wrongheaded notion that participation in this scheme is unique to a Republican administration, remember that globalism is a concept that has been pushed by both Democrats and Republicans spanning several administrations. Bill Clinton practically placed American foreign policy under the direction and whim of the U.N. Plus, the Council on Foreign Relations is made up of powerful persons who are members of all Parties, Democrat, Republican, and Independent.

Apparently a shadow government made up of some of our nation's leaders of all political stripes is making decisions about the future of our country without any prior knowledge or consent of the governed. This is what the Founders referred to as 'tyranny.'

These charges are very serious, for sure. And if they are true, the citizens have every right to take to the streets. If the President is involved in this scheme in any way, then as much as I would loathe the thought, he must be investigated for high crimes and misdemeanors.

But we must not stop there. Any politician who is engaging in this ill-fated scheme to negate our Constitution in favor of a Union the citizens clearly do not want should be investigated thoroughly along with the President. This is not a partisan issue in any way. The tentacles of the shadowy Council on Foreign Relations reach deeply into the highest levels of government.

It is time that this un-elected consortium be brought into the light of day.

For further information on this developing story, click here to go to the WorldNetDaily website for complete information:
  • North American Union
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