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Saturday, December 23, 2006


U.S. House Representative Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, has shut the door on open government by declaring the opening session of the new Congress in January as a 'closed door session.' C-Span will not be allowed to telecast the proceedings.

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who, during the campaign a mere seven weeks ago, stated that it is time for 'open and honest government,' an obvious slap at House Republicans who, by the way, never shut down C-Spans' coverage of the House.

By closing the door to open government, Pelosi has taken a step backwards to the days of smoke filled rooms where sleazy politicians decided on candidates and policy without the scrutiny of the public. This is not a surprise at all to those of us who have been watching Pelosi and her ilk for years.

I hate to break it to you, but Pelosi and the Democrats never intended more honest and open government.

In district after district, state after state, race by race during the campaign this year, countless candidates of the Democrat party, particularly the incumbents, made statements to the public that were obviously lacking in integrity since we have their record for all to see. The modus operandi of the Democrat leadership was to provide the public with smoke and mirrors...hide the true record and promise the world...anything to get elected.

After all, isn't that what it's all about? As long as one gets elected that makes the means to the ends honorable. Right?

Perhaps it was the best thing for the country that these collectivist, rights-robbing socialists are back in power. Over the past seven weeks we have seen Democrat after Democrat unleash on the public their shameful plans to weaken this nation in the face of terrorism, cut and run in Iraq, bring back the draft, engage in treasonous activity by going overseas to negotiate with terrorist states (ala Kerry, Dodd, and Nelson) without the expressed approval of the Executive Branch during wartime, roll back the Bush tax cuts and raise taxes, not to mention their underhanded, undercover operation to rid the citizens of their firearms.

And this is all before they take office!

Heaven knows what these charlatans plan to roll out once they actually take office.

And this begs the question: what does Pelosi have to hide? Why close the door on the opening session of Congress? Is it that she doesn't wish for the public to see her as she really is? What power grabs does she intend to make? Are she and her Democrat colleagues planning a covert action to reverse the progress this nation has made since 9/11?

These are over-the-top allegations, I realize. Yet, when a new, incoming Speaker of the House decides to hold a closed-door meeting at the very outset of her tenure, an ominous cloud of suspicion is cast over the entire proceeding.

My only hope is that there will be enough Democrats to vote AGAINST Pelosi for Speaker that her big plans go up in smoke. And perhaps this is precisely the rub. She is afraid to be embarrassed by the number of votes against her in her own party.

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