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Sunday, December 10, 2006

New York City Bans Santa Claus?

The editorial cartoon in the morning paper today says it all. New York City cops are shown placing Santa Claus under arrest. As the bewildered Santa stands there in cuffs, the two cops discuss the charges. He was smoking a pipe--a most heinous criminal offense in the Big Apple, plus the most damning charge of all--he was caught with several grams of transfatty acids in the cookies in his sleigh.

We laugh at such over-exaggerations in comic strips. Yet, should Santa come to NYC today, would he be welcome? I doubt it. He would be given citations from the cops.

Santa is fat. The health police of the federal government and collectivist meccas like NYC have decided this is entirely unacceptable. Americans, we are told, are too heavy and out of shape. Santa dreadfully fails this test.

Santa loves to eat cookies, cakes, ice cream, and other Christmas treats that millions of parents and their young leave for him in kitchens across the country on Christmas eve. As I was growing up my Mother and Father always left Santa a sampling of whatever goodies we happened to have on hand during the holidays. It was always a treat to wake up on Christmas morning, run to the kitchen, and see the crumbs lying around as indisputable proof that Santa had, indeed, been there.

But the Big Apple has banned transfatty acids...the substance that makes treats such as cookies and doughnuts taste so good.

If I were Santa, I would fly right over the place and not leave a single gift just to punish the Big Brother apologists who believe government should meddle in our personal business. You may exercise your personal right not to eat things that have transfatty acids in them, but you do NOT have the right to stop ME from eating them if I wish. Now, dash away, Dancer, Prancer, and all...get us out of this annoying, vile, freedom-hating place! Dash away all!!

Finally, most all traditional depictions of the mythical character of Santa Claus show him smoking his pipe...a common practice of most men at one time in history. Once again, this has become a modern no-no. Not only would Santa be given a citation for smoking in New York City, but in Omaha, Nebraska he would be turned in by citizens who are encouraged to dial 9-1-1 whenever they see someone smoking in public.

GASP!! That awful, nasty Santa Claus pulled that sleigh right up into the yard while smoking on that dreadful pipe. And, he even went into some homes with it. Think of the second hand smoke! Why, arrest that dirty rascal. Let him rot in jail! He is giving cancer to our kids!

If I were Santa, I think I would think twice before even attempting to come to America at all on Christmas eve. What was once a land of freedom, inhabited by people who valued liberty above ALL, is quickly becoming an Orwellian nightmare of collectivists who wish to use the power of government to control our personal behavior.

As one New Yorker said in support of Big Brother's food police banning transfats, 'All I want to do is live longer!'

I see. Better to live a long time under tyranny than to live a shorter life with liberty. Good thinking, Einstein.

As Thomas Jefferson said, 'The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and for government to gain ground.'

Referring to the tendency of citizens to gradually elect officials who restrict freedoms, Jefferson coined the term 'elective despotism.' According to the U.S. Constitution, we as Americans do NOT have the right to vote our liberties away. An elected despot is every bit as much a despot as an unelected dictator. In addition, Jefferson insisted that for government to assume powers not granted to it in the Constitution results in acts that are 'unauthoritative, void, and of no force.'

Apparently Americans by and large simply do not care about the Constitution anymore, or else they would take to the streets decrying these acts of despotism perpetrated by elected officials in places such as New York City and Omaha, Nebraska.

The tendency of Americans to elect to office those who strip citizens of their rights is an act of ultimate tyranny, which Jefferson maintained would result in bloodshed. Said Jefferson, 'The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'

If we continue down the present slippery slope, the day is coming when 20 million or more citizens from the heartland will take to the streets with pitchforks, demanding that our government abide by the ONLY rule of law in this country--the U.S. Constitution.

Don't come here right now, Santa. The neo-commies in NYC and other places around and about will only make trouble for you. You deserve better. Come back when true American patriots finally rid the country of the freedom-haters.

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