The campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton to become President of the United States in 2008 is beginning to falter. Early indications are that she is beginning to slip in her favor among Democrat voters, and in fact, in some areas she is in a free-fall.
In Iowa Hillary is now 4th, coming in behind candidates such as Barack HUSSEIN Obama and John Edwards. In New Hampshire she has watched her impressive early lead slip away to Obama, and this was before Edwards announced his candidacy.
Many would fault the candidacy of Barack HUSSEIN Obama as the main reason for the Hillary slide. Yet this notion would be very short-sighted. Hillary's problems are deep and ominous, despite her wild popularity among Liberals and the media establishment.
Hillary Clinton has always been and remains today a polarizing figure. Very few take a moderate view of her. Voters either hate her with a passion or love her as if she were some sort of saint sent down from heaven. She would not win a single state in the South or the across the heartland. Her strength would come mainly from the peripheral of the country, except for the South--the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, the Pacific coast states, and few other states scattered here and about in the Midwest. Her attempt to moderate her positions and rhetoric are old hat. She has nobody left to fool. The electorate knows her very well, and this is precisely her biggest problem.
The Obama bandwagon is going to crash and burn as well. He is inexperienced and untested. His views are as far outside mainstream America as Nancy Pelosi's and Ted Kennedy's.
Watch for a John Edwards surge. Though Edwards has his own baggage, this darkhorse candidate may well become the man to beat among Democrats. He is from the South, he makes for an attractive candidate in terms of personality, and he is very smart and articulate. This could well turn out to be Edwards' year in the spotlight.
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