Perhaps it is my latent cynicism about the modern age that leads me to state the following, but this is the way I see it at the present time. America has, for all intent and purposes, surrendered. Once again, as in Viet Nam, citizens have allowed the mainstream media to turn public opinion against the war on terror, particularly the Iraqi segment of the war.
Americans have increasingly grown in their inability to stomach fighting those who wish to destroy us. We like our military campaigns to be short and neat, with no casualties. Despite this being a blatant denial of reality, we march forward into the abyss, putting into office a gang of socialists who stated today that they would gut our missile defense program as one plank of their platform to cut and run, withdraw troops from Iraq, and essentially weaken the military as they did in the years before Ronald Reagan.
This evening I was watching a program on The History Channel about the bravery and steadfastness of the Americans during WWII in the Pacific theater. Suffering from heat exhaustion, malaria, the brutality of the Japanese army, and lack of food, these brave men refused to give in to defeat. Their stories of honor and courage admittedly made me ashamed of my country today. We are not worthy of them any longer.
This is clearly NOT an indictment against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan but an outright condemnation of modern American society that has allowed the Republic to be usurped by an element that neither cherishes nor appreciates our heritage and the values for which our forefathers gave their lives.
In short, most Americans today are unworthy to untie the shoes of the men whom Tom Brokow described as 'the greatest generation in the history of the world.'
These men would never as much as entertain the possibility of going to war with no resolve to win. They would not fight in such a manner as to give the enemy the upper hand due to some asinine 'politically correct' protocol. They would not go marching into Baghdad without the intention of staying until the task was finished.
Iraq is NOT Viet Nam. This is an outright lie of the Left, of and George Soros, of the mainstream media, and of Democrats in Congress. We removed a brutal dictator from office. We set the scenario for the first free elections in Iraq's history. The country elected a government, although fledgling. The small seeds of democracy have been planted in an area of the world where such things simply do not happen.
And, like Bosnia--a Bill Clinton operation--the U.S. military needs to remain in Iraq for at least 10 years to insure the continued progression toward democracy. It is very interesting that no one in Congress or the media takes the Pentagon to task for our 10-year presence in Bosnia, yet the mere mention of an extended campaign in Iraq is enough to get the chickens clucking.
Granted, we may not need to keep troop levels at their present number. Nobody ever once suggested that mid-course corrections in tactics are not in order. But this is clearly NOT the same thing as cut and run or surrender.
The Democrats would like to believe that the mid-term election gave them a mandate to withdraw troops entirely. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The one thing that keeps one faint flicker of hope alive within me is the fact that I know that the electorate did NOT vote for surrender but an adjustment. However, with each passing day that hope fades into despair as I hear reports of America losing its resolve, our enemies cheering us for electing politicians to office who support THEIR goals, and polls that show citizens increasingly growing weary of a war that, when compared to history, has been like a friendly afternoon of war games.
Our casualties in Iraq pale in comparison to other wars.
Yet Americans in their modern naivete, along with the feminization of society at the hands of Leftists, seem to think that war should be something we can view on TV with the family gathered around eating pizza. We are simply not emotionally invested in the war or its outcome.
And this leads me back to my cynicism. The signs as of today point to an American surrender and a Jihadist victory that will embolden them in their march toward world domination. I fear that the only thing that will cause Leftists, socialists, Democrats, and the media to truly become emotionally involved in this fight is another 9/11 or worse.
Nothing else the barbarians have done, not even beheadings, has moved us.
What, exactly, will it take? The Sears Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, AND the White House lying in a smoldering pile of rubble simultaneously? My worst nightmare is that this is the only thing it will take to wake us up to the extreme danger we face.
My hope is that sane Americans will wake up before any of that horrific scenario is realized.
We MUST fight this war to win. We MUST. There is no other choice.
Friday, December 01, 2006
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