Media watchers around the country have noted that California Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who is slated to become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives should the Democrats win control of the House, curiously has gone missing in the final days of the campaign. Carefully and strategically ducking any opportunity to appear before the public, the famed Leftist who represents San Francisco's ultra-liberal Congressional district is laying low in the last week of the campaign, fearing voters will associate her extremist views with the Democrat Party.
This is no fear but a reality. It is no secret that those who control the Democrat Party espouse views that are repugnant to mainstream America. Fearing yet another rejection of the Party in this year's midterm elections, Democrats have carefully hidden these Leftwing extremists, hoping that voters will forget who and what they are voting for next Tuesday.
Here is another of the Democrat senior leadership that has been jerked out of the media spotlight.

Apparently Kerry is now 'missing in action' as he retreats from the spotlight following his colossal verbal bombshell in which he characterized our troops as dumb and uneducated. He didn't even make his 'apology' before the cameras.
Obviously the Democrats are ashamed of their leadership. Further, they apparently think Americans are truly dumb backwoods hicks to actually believe that by pulling these liberals from public view for a few days we will forget what they stand for.
The following is an article I wrote last week on Nancy Pelosi's record on the issues.
Nancy Pelosi, D-Ca, serving California's most ultra-liberal San Francisco district. stands to be 3rd in line to the Presidency if the Democrats win the House in two weeks. Pelosi has served as minority leader of the House and would be selected to become Speaker, replacing current Speaker Dennis Hastart, should the Democrats take control.
This is a most ghastly prospect for the country if one carefully and objectively considers Pelosi's record on the issues. Here is a primer--
*Pelosi has received the lowest rating possible for a politician by 'Gun Owners of America' for her consistent stance against 2nd Amendment issues. As a staunch San Francisco liberal, Pelosi has steadily advocated for an erosion of gun owner rights, ignoring the provisions of the U.S. Constitution, and voting for legislation that would criminalize gun owners whose guns are stolen and then used in the commission of a crime, among other notable tactics of the anti-bun bigots.
*Pelosi stated recently that national security should NOT be an issue in this campaign for control of the U.S. Congress in 2006. Most Americans strongly disagree, placing the issue in the top 5.
*Pelosi voted against the Bush tax cuts and has vowed to repeal them in a Democrat-controlled Congress. Throughout her career she has voted consistently for tax increases on a variety of levels, the most notable being a string of votes during the 90s that would have resulted in Americans paying over $950 more dollars per year in gasoline taxes, if they had passed. In addition, during the 1990s Pelosi voted for measures that increased taxes by nearly 241 billion dollars, the largest tax hike in American history under Bill Clinton.
*Pelosi was recently quoted as saying that the capture of Osama bin Laden 'would not make America any safer.'
*Pelosi has consistently voted against welfare reform, against requiring welfare recipients to work, and a host of other measures that more moderate members of her Party joined with Republicans in supporting.
*Pelosi is a rabid abortion supporter, receiving a 100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America, and a 0% rating from the National Right to Life Committee.
*Pelosi has advocated for 'bi-lateral talks' with the North Koreans over nuclear weapons, calling for a return to the failed policies of the Clinton Administration in the 90s during which Kim Jong-il not only lied but duped the Americans into believing he was using the materials we were sending him for his nation's energy supply, when all the while he was building nuclear weapons, as he admitted in 2002. The Bush Administration has insisted all along that talks with Kim should be multi-lateral, including the Chinese, given the fact that Kim will listen to no one but the Chinese government. Bush was proved right this past week as Kim apologized for the nuclear tests after receiving a sharp rebuke from China. Pelosi, however, prefers a return to the policies that led to our being the laughing stock of Kim Jong-il.
Are you excited yet? This brief primer should be ample reason to fear this woman rising to such a position of prominence as Speaker of the House should the Democrats win control.
However, Pelosi is not the only problem. The Democrat Party is swarming with other Nancy Pelosi just waiting to gain control of Congress so that they can unleash on the nation their extremist, leftist agenda that will be a harsh blow to American liberty.
We as Americans MUST not allow this to happen.
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