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Saturday, November 04, 2006

New York Times Sells Out to Anti-Semitism

First it was Jimmy Carter who claims that Israel is the last sanctioned 'state of apartheid.'

Then George Soros and his gang at post some of the most blatantly anti-Semitic statements that one would more expect from Neo-Nazi groups rather than an organization that funds the campaigns of Democrats.

Now it's the New York Times. The Times has sold out to vitriolic, anti-Semitic Arab interests in allowing a full-page ad to be published by a group that is dedicated to the defeat of politicians in Washington, such as Rick Santorum, who are staunch supporters of Israel in the present Jihad. The ad spouts some of the most hateful language one can imagine toward Jews.

In allowing the ad the Times has sold its soul to evil.

Can we really trust anything they say? Do we really care who they endorse other than to remember that 'birds of a feather flock together?'

Many thanks to Pamela Geller Oshry at Atlas Shrugs for the above information.


Anonymous said... for examples of exactly what kind of hate speech knowingly and willfully welcomed at its Action Forum.

Anonymous said...

P.S. The hate speech was directed not only toward Jews but also African American "house slaves," "Catholic Pedophiles of America," and Evangelical Christians. (The quotes are exactly the language that MoveOn's people used.)

Welshman said...

Thanks, Bill, for these timely updates.