At least two of these heroes/heroines receive regular death threats as a result of their courageous stand. They are putting themselves on the line to insure that America stands strong and that the Jihadists are kept at bay.
There are many, many more unsung heroes who could be added to this list, so it is by no means exhaustive. But here are four of the most vocal that I wish to thank.

Pamela Geller Oshry is the owner/blogger of the highly successful 'Atlas Shrugs' website, which calls attention to the march of the Jihadists on a daily basis. Oshry courageously holds the line of the battle on the Jewish front, forthrightly putting our politicians on notice when they fail to recognize the threat to Jews in the war on terror, and when their policies result in strengthening the hand of Islamic terrorists.

John Bolton is the present U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Never has there been a more powerful voice for freedom and human liberty at the U.N. Bolton pulls no punches in his willingness to fight the good fight in an organization that is overrun by corruption and gangs of thugs from nations that want nothing more than to see America in a pile of rubble. This man needs to be confirmed by the Senate, but Democrats have blocked the vote, and now that they are majority they will see to it that he never gets an up or down vote. This is a travesty of government.

Victor Davis Hanson is a scholar of renown repute. Few are able to write or speak any more eloquently than Hanson in describing the crisis in the West in the face of terrorism. American patriots should make it a point to read every word that flows from the pen of this brilliant scholar.

Nonie Garwish is a former Muslim who travels the globe alerting audiences to the dangers inherent in the Islamic religion. She describes in shocking detail her upbringing as a Muslim, the mindset of Jihadists who choose acts of barbarism to further their cause, and the need of freedom-loving people everywhere to stop the march of Islam. For this she has received death threats, and in some cases college campuses have withdrawn speaking invitations issued to her because of the threats of a few vocal Muslims. This woman is a formidable force in the war on terror.
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