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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Head-Choppers Emboldened by PC Rhetoric

Islamic extremists, who have called for the beheading of at least 100 more Christians around the world, are being emboldened by the diplomatic, politically-correct rhetoric being used by the West to describe Islam as a 'religion of peace.' Wafa Sultan, an ex-Muslim Syrian, has stated that such words do nothing but contribute to the tactics of Muslims who wish to be portrayed as peace-lovers while perpetrating their violence, terror, mayhem, and beheadings.

Apparently the head-choppers think if they can lull the West to sleep with the belief that they are 'peace loving,' they can then have free reign in conducting acts of barbarism that are designed to culminate in world domination.

When Sultan first appeared on Al-Jazeera television in the Middle East, a wave of violent protest ensued across the Muslim world calling for her murder. She lives under the constant threat of death. Yet the outspoken ex-Muslim feels that it is imperative that she inform the world of the real agenda of Islam, having once been a part of its ranks.

Sultan even goes as far as to castigate President Bush for his emphasis on Islam as a 'peaceful religion,' obviously in an attempt to separate the extremists from mainstream Muslim thought. But Sultan says that the notion of Jihad IS mainstream within Islam and that the rank and file believe in the same goals of the extremists, although they may not say so publicly.

This point is certainly validated by the fact that there are countless Mosques within the U.S. that have been found to harbor terrorists and serve as haven for such thugs, such as the mosque in Brooklyn that at one time was home to some of the perpetrators of 9/11 and the present lieutenants in Osama bin Laden's push to strike America yet again.

Sultan maintains that people like Osama bin Laden are merely following the example of Mohammad, who committed some of the most brutal acts of barbarism against those who opposed him. She also states that there are many within the Muslim world who secretly agree with her assessment of Islam, and are waiting for an opportunity to speak out without the threat of murder being held over their heads. Many of these remain silent out of fear, Sultan says.

But she also says that many remain silent out of a tacit approval of the extremists.

According to Sultan, the only way to combat the march toward global Jihad is to stop with the diplomatic, politically-correct rhetoric and confront Islam head-on for what it is--a violent, backward, barbaric religion led by people who wish to dominate the world by forcing compliance with the Quran. Those who resist, according to the Quran, are to be killed. This can be done with absolutely no remorse or guilt since the action is in accordance with 'the will of Allah.'

And thus, while we are lulled to sleep by the PC mantra of Islam being a 'peaceful religion,' the head choppers are at work all over the world. A Lutheran priest in Germany set himself on fire and died to make a statement about the fact that the Muslim scourge is raging out of control in Europe. A 13-year old Christian girl was beheaded in Indonesia, where barbarism is the order of the day on a regular basis but rarely reported in the news.

The Liberty Sphere, however, is committed to keeping you informed about the real facts. We stand solidly with Israel, the Jews, and Christians who are engaged in this global fight.

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