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Saturday, October 14, 2006

UPDATED POST--Nall Says Republicans are Mean

This post is the corrected version to the earlier post by this title, which contains a factual error. Due apologies extended.

Alabama gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall stated today that Republicans are mean. This was the response of the Libertarian candidate toward a group of Auburn University student Republicans who fought to exclude Libertarians from the campus debate. The Republicans insisted that the debate should consist of the two major parties only, which of course meant that college Libertarians would not gain a hearing. Nall complains that the campus Republicans used heavy-handed tactics to make sure the Libertarians would not be part of the debate.

Nall goes further to state that the campus Democrats were gracious, accepting, inviting, and easy to work with, expressing no opposition to Libertarians being included in the debate. Her feeling is that Auburn student Democrats represent much hope for the Party in the future.

Let's hope she's right.

The problem is that I am going to have to see a lot more from Democrats that would move me to vote for one of their candidates. Perhaps I have been around too long and seen too much. I have a long memory. Democrats have never been friends of Libertarian principles, at least not since the days of John F. Kennedy, the last Democrat President to propose tax cuts and to proudly proclaim his membership in the NRA. Since that time Democrats have succeeded in creating a mammoth, monolithic government that is raging out of control, and proceeded to raise taxes to support it.

I honestly and sincerely believe from the bottom of my heart that Democrats never saw a tax they didn't like. That, in and of itself, is reason enough to oppose them.

But it doesn't stop there. The most restrictive gun control laws in the country were proposed and implemented by Democrats. Many of them do not even believe the Bill of Rights guarantees any citizen personal rights, i.e., their contention that the 2nd Amendment does not protect a citizen's right to own and bear firearms.

In addition, Democrats by and large believe that it is ok for a woman to take an unborn infant's life. I cannot in good conscience support such a thing. This is not legislating morality and religion any more than having laws to prevent murder, rape, and robbery are legislating morality. Civil societies have laws to prevent acts of barbarism, and abortion is one of those acts, particularly in light of what we have learned about prenatal development over the past 10 years.

One more nail in the Democrats' coffin in my view is their complicity in the 9/11 debacle. The Clinton Administration had significant opportunity to put into place a program that would have prevented such an act of terrorism on our shores, given their intelligence that indicated an attack was imminent. Those who voiced those concerns within the Administration were silenced. Bin Laden was allowed to escape on three separate occasions when he was within reach, but the President claimed, 'I didn't have enough evidence to make an arrest stick.' For heaven's sake, how much more evidence did the President need?

This, along with the North Korean debacle which also can be laid directly at the feet of the Democrat administration, adds up to one big bumbling mess.

Thus, as for voting for Democrats at this point in time, no thanks....

However, I will admit that the campus Democrats at Auburn are to be commended for their graciousness toward Loretta Nall and the campus Libertarians.

posted by D. Martyn Lloyd-Morgan | 4:56 PM


New Masonry said...

Nall needs to out the Governor for being a member of a white only masonic organization!!

Get on the offensive!!!!

Welshman said...

You might have a valid point. While I fully understand and appreciate Loretta's desire to run a clean, positive campaign that is free of the usual negativism and attack mentality, this issue is very important. And in the waning days of the campaign, this just might be an issue that would result in votes for her.

Riley has done nothing but defend the local Grand Lodge, when the United Grand Lodge, the national body, stands firmly in opposition to excluding people because of race.

This is a bombshell of a story that the local news media has totally blacked out. That is simply unconscionable.