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Friday, October 27, 2006

O'Reilly on Oprah Brings Out the Nutcases

Fox News commentator and TV host Bill O'Reilly appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show today. I will not comment on every aspect of the show or of O'Reilly's commentary, as his views are well-known. There was nothing in today's appearance that changed, other than the fact that O'Reilly came face-to-face, on national television, with more than a few of Oprah's audience who apparently feel that America is Public Enemy Number One in the War on Terror.

All of us have known all along that the U.S. is home to an element of extremist leftwing ideologues who, since the Viet Nam War, have made it clear they feel that in all international conflicts America is the bad guy. My opinion is that it goes back much further than that, all the way back to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Communist sympathizers in America quickly jumped on board the bash-America-first bandwagon, claiming that we were the source of all the world's ills.

Two World Wars and the Great Depression put a damper on that parade for a few decades.

The monster raised its ugly head again after the second war, however, resulting in a gradual tide of anti-American sentiment culminating with the Viet Nam War. Thus, Jane Fonda goes to Hanoi to make nice to the very people who are slaughtering our soldiers and countless South Vietnamese.

These people never really went away. Instead they raised up an entirely new generation of ingrates who are perched and ready to pounce on the U.S. whenever there is a good opportunity.

They found one in the War in Iraq.

One by one on Oprah today they arose to eloquently make the case for America as the scourge of the world. One woman in particular perfectly summarized the leftwing nutcase ideology. O'Reilly asked her, 'So who do you think are the bad guys here? Saddam? The insurgents in Iraq? Us?' She said without flinching, 'The bad guys are in Washington, D.C.'

O'Reilly's reminder that Saddam murdered over 400,000 of his own people did not matter. The fact that he invaded a neighboring country did not matter. The fact that the Iraqi invaders plundered and pillaged a small country, murdering scores of men and raping the woman, did not matter. Even the fact that Islamic terrorists use infants as bomb carriers who blow up groups of people, the infants included, did not matter.

As always, no matter what the circumstances, America is always the culprit.

Frankly, I am getting tired of this display. When news came out just after our liberation of Iraq that Saddam had used giant plastic shredding machines to shred to death human beings--ALIVE--I remember the response of one leftwing ideologue when this was pointed out. He said, merely, 'Bush broke international law by going in.'

Nevermind the countless times Saddam had committed crimes against humanity.

Watching these America-bashing parasites on television today was actually nauseating. Rarely do I react to such things with such intensity, given the fact that I have heard it all many times before. But to see it blatantly displayed on a popular national TV program jolted me into facing the stark reality that this country today is home to an element that wishes for our demise, consciously or unconsciously.

Perhaps this is my denial, and my denial is protecting me from feeling the full impact of these displays, but I believe these people are nutcases who need longterm treatment.

At least I hope this is the explanation for the behavior. If these people are fully sane and in full possession of all their faculties, we are in deep trouble as a nation.


Anonymous said...

You are 100% right

Welshman said...

Thank-you, sir. I appreciate the vote of confidence...