I have maintained from the start that the so-called 'Libertarian Democrat' concept, propounded at Cato Unbound, is nonsense. This is not so much due to any problem I have with the literal term as with the hidden agenda evident among those who have jumped on the bandwagon. Democrats are hopping onboard this ship with the hope they will pick up votes that would normally go to Republicans and sail right into victory in November.
The original concept, so far as I can tell, has to do with the notion that Democrats could find a natural ally in the Libertarian movement since both tend to promote social liberty, that is, both have some concerns about the present trend toward more consolidation of government power, particularly in the Executive Branch, and the inherent dangers that lie buried like landmines with regard to individual, civil liberties.
So far so good. I share those concerns.
However, if there are that many Democrats that have such a problem, then why is there not a move afoot to get them to jump onboard the Libertarian Party bandwagon than to encourage people of a libertarian persuasion to vote for Democrats? It seems highly odd to me that we are not encouraging them to join US rather than the other way around. Why? Why is this idea being propounded in a manner that is beneficial to Democrats?
That is the one question that has yet to be answered by the purveyors of this misguided and utterly naive concept.
As much as I am loathe to say it, Libertarians are the ones being duped by politically savvy Democrats in this proposed marriage of strange bedfellows. Democrats have no intention of toning down the march toward big government, more centralized government power, increased taxation, or of taking a more sympathetic view toward individual liberties. Gun control laws blow the whistle on that one. In addition, go to almost any major college campus in the nation where Democrats are in control and watch the manner in which free speech is handled. It is practically non-existent, unless the speakers in question tow the accepted party line that has been totally infected with a case of rampant, galloping political correctness.
The number of conservative speakers who have been shouted down, heckled to silence, hit in the face with pies, all at college campuses, are too numerous to mention. So much for the support of free speech on the part of leftist ideologues.
And which Party do you suppose they support? I can tell you it is not Republican or Libertarian!
Do Democrats stand for a repeal of gun control laws and a return of the Constitutional right of citizens to own and bear firearms?
Do Democrats support an end to the Income Tax and the implementation of a national sales tax or a flat tax, which would lead to a total revamping of the U.S. Tax Code?
Do Democrats want America to win the war on terror? Or do they wish to cut and run in Iraq, which will increase the chances of terrorism being brought back to our shores rather than overseas?
Do Democrats support free markets? What about less government intrusion into the right of private citizens to enter contracts in the exercise of free commerce? What about the freedom of citizens to make their own private choices, free from the scrutiny of government, such as smoking, eating fat and sweets, riding a motorcycle without a helmet?
Do you honestly believe Democrats do not wish to continue policing the private choices of citizens? They are the ones that started this practice to begin with!
How many Democrats support tax incentives for parents to homeschool their children? I do not mean vouchers to send children to private schools. That keeps the hands of government in the process. I mean real tax incentives for parents to either place their children in private schools or to homeschool their children.
What kind of plan and vision for America have the Democrats offered? So far, the only thing I have seen is mud slinging, highlighting the moral failings of a few Republicans although the Democrats themselves have their own skeletons in the closet, and telling the country how terrible Bush is rather than offering any real alternatives.
The economy at present is very strong. In fact, it has come roaring back like gang-busters. The stock market has been at an all-time high. Is it really just the economy, stupid? This is what Democrats claimed in 1992 and 1996. Is this not true anymore? Funny how no Democrat will talk about the strong economy. Funny how the mainstream news media will not mention it at all.
How would Democrats make a very strong economy any stronger? Tax hikes?
No matter which way the issue is spun, the contention that Libertarians and those who lean libertarian should vote for Democrats who throw a few verbal crumbs our way is one of the most half-brained schemes I have ever witnessed.
If we, as Libertarians, fall for this ploy by Democrats to get our votes, then we will deserve whatever tyranny befalls us if they gain control of Congress.
Do Libertarian core principles mean something, or are they for sale?
My friends, if they are for sale, then we might as well fold up the tents and go home, join the Democrat Party, and march in the big-government, heavy-taxation, rights-robbing parade.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
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