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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

McCain Blasts Clinton on North Korea

Making headline news today all over the country, Senator John McCain came out swinging on North Korea, laying the blame squarely at the feet of former President Bill Clinton. Citing numerous failures in judgment, including sheer lack of due diligence, McCain says that there is no doubt that the policies of the Clinton Administration were a complete failure, leading us to this point today where the reclusive regime is on the brink of becoming a major nuclear power.

The series of missteps and blunders by the former Administration leads us back to 1994. This was the year that Clinton signed an agreement with North Korea in which the North Koreans 'promised' not to use nuclear energy to develop weapons. Clinton, along with the help of ex-President Jimmy Carter, promised that the U.S. would provide North Korea with the means by which to develop nuclear energy, supposedly as a humanitarian effort to bolster the regime's ability to provide its people with adequate energy resources.

As we all know by now, North Korea did not live up to its end of the bargain. Thus, the U.S. essentially provided the regime with all the materials necessary to make nuclear bombs, which they proceeded to develop. All the while the Clinton Administration blindly continued funneling the materials to North Korea on the assumption that these materials were being used to develop a stronger energy policy. No diligence was exercised to make sure the North Koreans were keeping their word. No monitoring of North Korean movement by our intelligence sources was conducted. No proof was required of the North Korean regime to account for its use of the materials we were providing them.

All the while, throughout the remainder of the 1990s, North Korea was conducting its research and preparing to build its nuclear arsenal, eventually admitting in 2002 that it had duped the Clinton Administration. Clinton, Gore, Albright, Carter and company were thus implicated in one of the most glaring mistakes ever made by an Administration.

We actually enabled North Korea to develop nuclear weapons by blindly providing them with the means to do so.

How could such a thing happen? In a word, ineptitude. One of the worst mistakes an Administration can make is assuming that every regime in the world is as kind-hearted, honest, and full of good-will as the U.S. Democrats are famous for such ineptitude. Clinton, Carter, Albright, Gore, Kennedy, and company operate with a naive assumption that if we show good-will to other nations, they will return the favor.

This terribly short-sighted notion has been debunked time and time again by various regimes around the world, particularly Communist regimes. Communists are not known for keeping treaties or abiding by the terms of their agreements. To expect them to do so is sheer lunacy. Yet this was precisely the expectation of the Clinton Administration, Democrats in Congress, and former President Jimmy Carter. It makes one wonder how such inept individuals made their way into the top echelons of government.

And here, on the brink of mid-term elections in a few short weeks, we are being told that we should entrust the Congress to Democrats, the very same ones who led us to the North Korean debacle. Yes, there are some new faces here and there, but the Party leadership is basically the same. John Kerry even suggested that we would not be in this situation with North Korea if President Bush had followed the 'successful bilateral diplomacy of the Clinton Administration.'

Excuse me, Senator, but that so-called successful bilateral diplomacy of the Clinton Administration led to North Korea making fools of the former Administration and developing nuclear weapons right under their noses. Yet this is the Democrat response to the crisis.

The question is, why would Americans want to put inept buffoons back in power in Congress?

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