The Lieberman campaign kicks into high gear in this final stretch of the race toward the November elections. The Connecticut Senate race has proved to be one of the most, if not THE most, interesting campaigns in the nation.
Senator Lieberman was spurned by his Party for voting his conscience on issues. He is nobody's lap-dog. The Senator through the years has proved to be a man of principle, integrity, honesty, and conscience. He knows who he is and what he believes in. And if he feels his Party is wrong, he has never hesitated to say so.
The anti-war fringe of the Democrat Party set out to defeat Lieberman in the primary. They won. The Party's choice is a leftist, anti-war activist who ran his campaign on one issue alone--Lieberman's support for the war in Iraq.
However, many voters in the state of Connecticut appreciate Senator Lieberman's independent streak having watched him through the years define his identity, values, beliefs, and principles. They know that when Lieberman casts a vote in the Senate, it is done from the core of a man who is driven and motivated by a deep sense of statesmanship and love for his country.
Thus, Lieberman was given the motivation to run as a third-party, independent candidate, and with good reason. He stands a very good chance of defeating both his Democrat and Republican rivals and becoming the next Independent member of Congress.
One may not always agree with Lieberman's views. He is a rather odd mixture of conservative, liberal, and moderate points of view, the result of which is a segment of the population that finds him distasteful on some of the issues, particularly single-issue type voters. However, this is one of his strengths. The Senator refuses to be placed into a box and labeled. Each individual issue stands on its own merit. There is no pre-scripted, ideological course for him to follow other than what he thinks is right.
I have found myself disagreeing with Senator Lieberman on various issues, but I have never once questioned his integrity and trustworthiness, nor his love for his country.
In my humble opinion, the nation needs Joseph Lieberman in the Senate. It is hoped that the fine citizens of Connecticut can rise above Party loyalty and send their trusted Senator back to Washington for another term.
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