France is still ablaze with Muslim violence, particularly in the suburbs of Paris, a full year after the story was reported in the American press. As I reported to you last week on The Liberty Sphere, the growing tide of violence at the hands of Muslim extremists in Europe may not be getting much attention in news outlets in the U.S. at present, but it is of great concern to European leaders.
Since the beginning of 2006, over 2,500 police officers have been injured in France alone. When the violence first erupted last year, Islamic Jihadists would usually confront police in small groups of two or three. Their main provocation was setting vehicles on fire along the streets. Today, when police respond to emergency calls, they are confronted by entire tower blocks of Muslim youths emptying into the streets. Within minutes hundreds of Muslims storm police vehicles, throwing rocks and firebombs.
According to the World Tribune, France's huge and growing Muslim community has come under the influence of Al Qaeda operatives who pour money, ammunition, and equipment into these neighborhoods. Their tactic now is to place bogus emergency calls to police and then ambush the officers when they arrive on the scene.
These Muslim neighborhoods have become self-contained entities where police and other emergency personnel are afraid to go.
The French Interior Ministry is aware of the problem, but police officials say the problem is much worse than Paris is willing to acknowledge. Michel Thoomis, the head of the police union, is quoted in the Tribune as saying, 'We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by Islamic extremists. This is not a question of urban violence any more. It is an intifada, with stones and firebombs.'
The police union is demanding that the Interior Ministry provide them with armored vehicles--a request that so far has been ignored.
Although the growing Muslim mayhem has been under-reported in the press around the world, European leaders privately are worried that what is happening in France could be a model for other European countries, most notably Great Britain and the Netherlands.
The so-called 'under-reporting' of the news of these Islamic attacks actually constitutes a news blackout of sorts, arising from the political correctness that has so thoroughly inflicted western Europe. The result is a swelling torrent of Muslim violence, fanned by Al Qaeda, that has brought France to the brink of civil war.
No amount of cover-up, denial, or wishful thinking will make the problem go away. This demon must be confronted head-on while there is still time.
LATE BREAKING UPDATE!! In what local media describe as the work of 'a group of youths,' Amsterdam was hit Friday evening with an explosion of a bus. The explosive was made by combining common ingredients found in stores and pharmacies across the city. Pharmacy workers reported an unusual amount of these ingredients being sold to 'youths' prior to the attack.
As I have reported to you, the Netherlands is another target of Islamic Jihadists that have infiltrated Europe. In fact, Muslims have immigrated to the Netherlands over the past few years at a pace that exceeds that of France.
In light of what is happening in France, the question becomes, does this attack indicate that Amsterdam is next?
You may want to visit the following website for an eye-opening read--
The Atlas Shrugs blog is an excellent source of information on the global Islamic Jihad that you won't find in the Press!
funny how other bloggers claim france is calm
Of course, France does have a longstanding and shameful history of raising the white flag to anyone who appears to be a threat. I can't think of anywhere else in the world, where you could have 300 cars torched by angry Muslim mobs in one night and still try to pass it off as a public nuisance.
I believe one of the main reaons for such displays of denial is the 'politically correct' penchant for refusing to call attention to the source of terrorism--Muslim extremists. Therefore, a country can amble on using the bandaid approach when the only thing, ultimately, that will work is an all-out effort to resist Muslim immigration, and the willingness to fight Jihadits full force.
Until France and the rest of Europe is willing to pay the price, I'm afraid they are in far worse than we are seeing in in the Paris suburbs.
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