Muslim Unrest Sets Cities Ablaze
I will state at the outset that I am no fan of the New York Times. What was once a trusted and respected national leader in news reporting has disintegrated into a hodge-podge of questionable ethics, bogus stories, and sensationalism closely akin to the National Equirer.
Be that as it may, this past Sunday's Times contained a series of unrelated stories, found in different sections of the paper, that all have a common thread. Beneath the surface in various parts of the world there is a boiling cauldron of extremist Muslim rage and unrest that is on the brink of exploding. France, Great Britain, Russia, and Israel, and ultimately the United States, share one ominous commonality. They are the recipients of the rage of extremist Muslim Jihadists who seem to be working in concert in various parts of the world in an effort to destroy Western civilization as we know it and implement their vision of the 'will of Allah.'
Nowhere does the Times, however, mention this group by name. Never are they referred to as 'Muslim' or 'Jihadists' or 'Islamic extremists.' The Times is far too politically correct to commit such a major faux pax. Rather, the Times refers to the simmering rage as being the work of 'Middle Eastern males' and 'North African males.'
A quick look at the map, along with the cultural and religious demographics will make all too clear what the Times refuses to name.
The violence that France experienced in the recent past is again on the upswing, so much so that even moderate French politicians are beginning to sound like Jean Le Pen, the ultra-rightwing rabble-rouser who posits a disdain for immigration and calls for a return to an independent France that is free from the European Union and the use of the Euro. All efforts of the French thus far to abate the swelling current of violence, mayhem, and hostility have failed. Muslim extremists are now luring police into violent neighborhoods by making bogus emergency calls claiming that autos are on fire and exploding. Police who respond to such calls are then ambushed at the scene, beaten, tortured, and killed. The same ruse is used to lure in unsuspecting paramedics and firefighters, who also take the brunt of the Islamic brutality.
London is now experiencing a similar phenomenon, prompting Great Britain's Minister of Social Order to lament the inability of the UK to adequately assimilate Muslim immigrants, resulting in yet another swelling tide of hostility among this rapidly growing minority.
Russia is now yet another victim of the extremist Muslim rage, according to the Times. Russian officials report a sharp increase of violence in certain sectors of the country, in which citizens are targeted for beatings and murder.
Meanwhile, Iran once again is rattling its sabers against Jews, stating that 'Israel has no reason to exist.' Iran's President has stated that unless the West, including all of Europe and the United States, ceases to support Israel, there will be dire consequences that will definitely spill over into Europe and beyond, even to the rest of the world.
In addition, as I reported to you a week or so ago, Germany is not immune from the growing Muslim scourge, as the threat of violence was enough to shut down the performance of a Mozart opera in Berlin.
The Times never connects the dots with any of these stories.
Those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, can see the common thread readily. The world stands on the brink of a major conflict that will determine the very survival of the West. The equality of women, the liberty of the individual, the freedom of religious expression or of non-expression, are all marks of infidels to these warriors who have vowed to kill anyone and everyone who will not bow to the will of Allah.
Five years ago, after the Unites States was attacked on 9/11, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stated that, 'whether we realize it or not, we are now in World War III.' Little did we know at that time just how right he was. At any given point in time these hotbeds of violence perpetrated by Muslim extremists could erupt into a coordinated world-wide Jihad that would set the globe spinning on its axis.
Appeasement is not the answer. We tried it. Each time we give a little, they want more. Nothing less than a total surrender to the extremist Islamic vision of government and religion will satisfy these blood-thirsty warriors.
Make no mistake, they are out for blood. Ask the residents of the Paris suburbs that are firebombed each night. Ask the families of the police officers killed when they responded to bogus emergency calls.
This is no time to devise a clever psychological, humanitarian scheme to 'reason' with this element. The West must name the enemy and fight it with all its might whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head. Let political correctness be damned.
The future of civilization as we know it is at stake.
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