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Friday, October 06, 2006

Anti-Gun Bigots to Blame for School Shootings

As I have stated several times in a couple of earlier posts, Alabama gubernatorial candidate, Libertarian Loretta Nall, is one of the few candidates anywhere that is calling for an end to gun control. And this is one of the many reasons why her candidacy is so important--it provides voters with a clear choice between a rational, realistic, Constitutional solution to criminal violence, as opposed to the lunacy we now have, perpetrated by the anti-gun bigots. In fact, the anti-gun bigots are to blame for the school shootings.

Gun control advocates have succeeded in convincing certain sectors of the population that guns alone, and not personal behavior, are responsible for violence in our streets. This alone should highlight the sheer fallacy of their argument. Blame the gun and not the one pulling the trigger. The next time you see a murder take place with a gun spontaneously firing without a thug on the other end of the trigger, let me know. Yet many in America have bought into this nonsense, advocating for such things as 'gun free zones,' among many other proposals aimed at loading up the state laws with so many restrictions and limitations that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is rendered impotent.

Thus, with many jumping on the 'gun free zone' bandwagon we find ourselves in a situation where peaceful, law-abiding citizens are left as defenseless sitting ducks for the thugs to pick us off at will, one by one.

Take the recent tradegy in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, for example.

The school was a 'gun free zone.' All of our public schools are now 'gun free zones.' This is the result of the anti-gun bigots who have succeeded in convincing our powers that be that if we enact such restrictions on firearms, our children are much safer.

Now let me see...five dead in Pennsylvania, two dead in Colorado, and a principle dead in the Midwest, ALL WITHIN A MERE TWO WEEK TIME SPAN. It seems that the schools are 'gun free zones' only until the thugs enter the premises. And thus, with no fear of anyone in the school building having a gun to thwart their reign of terror, they can start picking off students and teachers, one by one, with no opposition.

I wonder what would have happened in Columbine if the teachers had been armed? I wonder how the scenario would have been different if the perpetrator in Pennsylvania had been met with a school principle with a firearm? A case can be made that it would have been highly doubtful that those misguided and dangerous youths in Columbine would have even attempted their reign of terror had they known that each principle and teacher were armed and trained to use their weapons. And even if they had gone ahead and attempted their shooting spree, they would have probably been shot dead long before a single student was murdered. The same can be said for Lancasster County, Pennsylvania.

The rash of shootings that we have witnessed in our schools for the last decade should be a lesson to us all concerning the dangerous and ill-fated notion of 'gun free zones.' In short, such a policy has not saved a single child's life. We are creating a society where only the thugs have the guns. As I said, a 'gun free zone' is not gun free when an armed thug enters the building and starts shooting. Citizens who are stripped of their Constitutional right to carry and bear firearms are sitting ducks for armed thugs who are NOT concerned in the least with the law. It is almost like we are allowing irrational and misguided policy makers to lead us to self-destruction. If we buy into their little social experiment and lay down our guns, we are simply allowing thugs with guns to kill us and our children. Is this what we really want as a society?

I am with candidates such as Loretta Nall who call for an end to gun control and an immediate repeal of all laws that limit the ability of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. The Libertarian Party is also in favor of such a policy. In light of a 'no gun zone' social experiment gun awry, this is the only reasonable approach to a major national problem.


Kent McManigal said...

I agree. This is the letter to the editor I have been sending out:

School Shootings

I am sickened, appalled, and infuriated that government still demands that teachers and students continue to be sacrificed on the blood-soaked altar of gun control! Call it what it is: victim disarmament. If the state is to continue to demand that children be herded into their indoctrination centers, then at the very least, allow teachers the tools to defend our kids' lives! And for goodness sake, don't advertise schools as "gun-free zones". Anyone with a mind can see that this is just begging for violence. The Amish school shooting shows another side of the guns in schools issue. Guns do you no good if you have a moral prohibition against self defense. To me, self defense denial is equal to saying that your life or the lives of your family are not worth protecting. This is abominable. To me, those little Amish girls were worth dying (or going to prison for violating counterfeit "laws") to save. Watch out for copy-cat crimes anytime a tragedy like this occurs. Sick, evil people need little provocation to set them off. That is why these things always happen in clusters. This crime lays directly on the hands of every politician, bureaucrat, or activist who has ever advanced the theory that "guns cause violence". Evil people cause violence, with or without guns. Guns are the only tool that can effectively give the small and the weak a fighting chance against predators. Only a monster would forbid them the use of this tool. Are you a monster?

Welshman said...

Right on, my friend! You got it right. Keep fighting the good fight.