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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Pamela Geller now on ISIS hit list

Hello friends.

Disturbing news hit the airwaves today as ISIS now says that blogger/speaker Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs is on their target list. They plan to kill her.

I've known Pam Geller ever since I started blogging in 2006. I have spoken to her on the phone as well as by email. She is a fierce defender of free speech in the face of Jihadists who consider it a crime to exercise free speech by speaking against Islam or drawing cartoons of Muhammad. She is also determined to keep all speech free in the U.S., especially that which is considered offensive, The First Amendment exists precisely to give protection to that speech that the majority may not want to hear.

Now, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I have often taken to task for their hypocrisy, stated yesterday that Pam's group is a "hate group." Yet Pam has not threatened to kill anyone, not even the most barbaric members of ISIS. But ISIS will not hesitate to make these threats and carry them out by beheading Christians, Jews, and anyone else who opposes them.

SPLC owes Pamela a public apology, especially now that we know the barbarians have made it inside the gate right here in America.